Monday, March 6, 2017

Just one of the guys. 1985

The 80's were full of oversexed teen comedies. They also had an abundance of "Double Identity" movies. This is one of the best of both those sub-genres, possibly because of the right amount or "raunch" and comedy. At the time a raunchy teen comedy was a man's domain but being that this was directed masterfully by a woman, Lisa Gotleib,  helped give the right balance between sex-fueled comic mayhem and holding together a cohesive and quality story.

This scene never appears in the movie. 
Terry is a high school journalist but viewed by the guys and staff alike as just some eye candy. She is passed over for a newspaper internship and she believes it is because she is a girl. Thinking if she were able to submit an article as a guys she would win the internship. Terry enrolls in the neighboring school as a boy. Queue teen comedy.

Joyce Hyser does a totally believable gender bending role as both version's of Terry. Clayton Rohner is the perfect lovable loser, Rick, turned hottie thru a Terry makeover. And can we talk about the "villian" of this movie and possibly every high school movie made in the 80's, Billy Zabka, Fresh of his role in the Karate Kid, Billy plays, Greg Tolan, the the giant D-bag from every high school in America at the time. 

So Terry's quest to go undercover and win the internship at any cost gets complicated wen she finds herself fending off a bully, (Greg/Billy) and the advances of an oversexed female admirer, and falling for her new pal Rick. Couple all that with the perfect little brother in Buddy (played brilliantly by Billy Jayne) and you have a really winner in a film that didn't get much love at the time.

 While this is not family friendly, your middle and older teens will probably love it. First they'd get a kick out of the wildly dated style of the 80's (they were heavy handed with the stereotypes) but after they get over who different things were they might notice how much they are the same. Highschool hasn't changed much in a lot of ways and this touches on everything from Sexism, to cliques to sports and bullying. There is a gratuitous boob shot in the last 10 mins of the movie that isn't over sexualized but is the "big reveal".

Another shot not in the movie. I wanted something with Zabka in it!