Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Roadhouse - 1989

If you grew up with basic cable in the 90's you might have seen this movie on TNT or TBS many times. I have a feeling Ted Turner was a fan. So you've got Patrick Swayze in his post-Dirty Dancing, mullet wearing, super fitness, late 80's glory, a dive bar in a back water Missouri town, protecting the  bar and ultimately the whole town from cookie cutter bad guy Brad Wesley, played by Brad Gazzara.

Swayze is Dalton a notorious night club cooler (think super bouncer designed to diffuse the situation rather than escalate) wooed to the little town of Jasper Missouri to work at the Double Deuce so the owner can put a lot of money into it taking it from roadside dive to a upscale club. We are quickly introduced to Brad Wesley who "runs" the town or at least thinks he does. Millionaire bully who has his hand in everyone's business and extorts "protection" money from them. You can see how this will not sit well with our hero. Armed with his "Be Nice" mantra he quickly realizes, "It will get worse, before it gets better".

The rest of the cast is a motley crew of  90's era, almost-stars. The lovely and talented Kelly Lynch, is Doc. His frequent fights land him in the ER to get stitched back together. She becomes Dalton's love interest, but also the niece of Wesley. The wrestler Terry Funk shows up (seriously),  Jeff Healey has a few spoken lines but mostly sings. The monster truck Bigfoot has a cameo (even more seriously). A bit part by Keith David. And Wade Garrett, aging Cooler himself and mentor to Dalton played by the always wonderful Sam Elliot. This role was made for Elliot and he is amazing as you might guess,

While the first half of the movie is violently fun the second half takes an odd turn towards vigilante justice in small town America. Its good but a little disjointed at parts. Lynch and Swayze have a couple of steamy scenes. One to Otis Redding; which if your gonna do it, do it to Otis. All I'm saying is put the kids to bed with this one. It features language, lots of violence, a love scene, and some boobs.

It the most fun you'll have on a Saturday night. You'll hear some music, witness some bar fights and see a man restore order to a small town. What more could you ask for out of your movies. I ask that you give this one a try.

And consider it fair warning; if you like this film, great. Do not, I repeat Do not, watch Roadhouse 2.

Dalton, taking care of business during the climax of the movie.

Totally available on-demand and from digital rental outlets. Possibly in the $5 bin in Walmart too. 

Friday, November 4, 2016

Top Gun - 1986

1986 Looked good on Tom and Kelly

Everyone has heard of Top Gun. It was a major hit, what is it doing on this site? If you read the rules there are not supposed to be blockbusters here. Hidden gems, forgotten rarities. Well time is beginning to forget this Tom Cruise classic. I have met 2 young folks; over 18 under 30; who have never seen this movie. I uttered the famous movie line, "You can be my wing-man any time." they both looked at me with confusion. Neither had seen this movie. They need to.

If you haven't seen it; its time to buckle and go to the "Danger Zone" (This is the name and catch phrase of the famous Kenny Loggins theme song to the movie). So you've got Navy fighter pilots going to a elite school for the best of the best that ultimately have a competition to determine a winner. Its book ended by live enemy combat; pilot anxiety, and a love story with Kelly MckGillis and countless quotable lines.
Did I mention shirtless Val Kilmer
This is not a guys only movie. Ladies will enjoy the love story with Cruise and McGillis but also the volleyball match featuring a very young and shirtless Val Kilmer. Anthony Edwards (when he had hair), Meg Ryan, Tim Robbins, Tom Skerritt, and Michael Ironside help support the leads in a somewhat lean script but the action sequences make up for it.

As a date movie this works. Its got action and love; hot shirtless guys, fighter jets and aircraft carriers. As a family movie its iffy. There is a love scene and some violence. Nothing gratuitous but for kids 12 and under I'd exercise some parental discretion.

See below for viewing options (Psst, this one is on Netflix) and take a look tonight.

Because I was inverted.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Krull - 1983

Original 1983 movie poster
Krull - 1983

Possibly the single most influential non-blockbuster movie in my childhood. It was a gateway drug to Dungeons & Dragons and high fantasy in general. The world of Krull is fun fantasy ride that is worth every penny provided your squint through the dated special effects.

Before throwing stars were cool.
The one paragraph story summery is this: Prince and Princess are getting married and some alien storm trooper types (called Slayers) show up, kill everyone, and take the Princess. The Prince (Colwyn) survives and is nursed back to health by "The Old One" Ynyr. He is told about the event and the leader of the Slayer Army, The Beast, an aptly named nemesis. [33 year old spoilers ahead] Colwyn searches for a mysterious weapon, the glaive, recruits a team of fighting men, goes to magical and secret locations and after riding some magical horses called Fire Mares (a fantastic sequence) finds the Black Fortress rescues Princess Lyssa and ultimately defeats The Beast. There's a cyclops, an old blind seeker, and a giant spider protecting an old lady in a giant web, what's not to love.

You do not watch this movie for the story, and special effects but rather the setting, the high fantasy, the music and the adventure. It fun, mostly family friendly (some oddly placed gore amidst the fantasy violence) and can make for a good night in. I recommend it not being a date movie unless you are both in love with the genre but suitable for almost every other setting.

Some things that bear additional mention;
  • The Music is fantastic. It is an early entry from James Horner who is maybe best known for the orchestral score to Titanic. Has also worked on Avatar, Star Trek II and  III, along with more recently the 2016 remake of the Magnificent Seven. 
  • Both Niam Neeson (Taken series) and Robbie Coltrane (Hrry Potter series) have supporting roles early in their careers. 
  • David Battley offers fantastic comic relief as Ergo the Magnificent. A comedic often hungry magician who's spells often go awry, 
So now you want to see this film, yes? Well your options are limited. Currently it is not available to stream on any major service.  Amazon Video has it for digital rental or purchase here or purchase on DVD or blu-ray here . Other Digital rental and purchase options are found here (and below) courtesy of Can I Stream It.

So go buy, rent borrow or steal this movie and watch it this week. I'll see you in a few days with another great pick.

Below some additional photos featuring great 80's era artwork related to the film:
Alternate Art Movie Poster
Atari 2600 game box.
Better game than you might expect.

Friday, September 23, 2016

What is this place?

Welcome to the blog idea I've had for a long time. Simply put I will make movie recommendations here but not just any films. Movies that are great, in my opinion. Some might be forgotten blockbusters but others you may have never heard of. Rarely will you see everyday names like any of the Marvel super hero movies or Star Wars. I assume you can find those on your own. This is more about exposing you and possibly your kids) to a hidden gem or forgotten favorite.

Here are some rules I will try to follow:

1. All movies will be at least 5 years old. Mostly movie from my younger days.
2. All genres will be recommended but I will skew male. Not many Rom-coms here (Although, One Fine Day... I'm a sucker for Clooney)
3. No direct to video or made for TV movies. The exception is a Netflix or Amazon direct release.
4. Some movies will be family friendly but many not. Pay attention to ratings information.
5. You might not agree with my pics as a great movie. Guess what, that's OK it your right. Most people dislike Kevin Costner's The Postman. I really enjoy that movie. Just keep any commentary civil and kind so I don't have to block anyone or turn off comments or anything.
6.One movie per week will get a release here. I'm shooting for Thursday so you can be set for a movie night or rainy weekend. I am considering more for special events. (Halloween
Special; Holiday movies) but we shall see.

These are a guideline and all rules are meant to be broken, so, I probably will. Enough with the exposition, let get on to the good stuff. Oh and look for a nicer cleaner look around here coming real soon. I just wanted to get something posted already.